Find Missing Number

Question: You are given a sorted array A of n distinct integers, drawn from 1 to m where n<m. That is, A is a subset of [1,2,...,m]. Implement an O(logn) time algorithm (i.e., write a function) to find the smallest non-negative integer that is missing in A given as a parameter. For example, when A is [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10], the function must return 4.


static int FindMissingNumber(int[] numberList, int n) {
    int left = 0, right = n - 1; 
    while (left <= right) { 
        int middle = (left + right) / 2; 

        //If first element that is not index+1, then missing element = middle +1 
        if (numberList[middle] != middle + 1 && numberList[middle - 1] == middle) { 
            return (middle + 1); 
        //If not the first element 
        //Search missing element in left side 
        if (numberList[middle] != middle + 1) { 
            right = middle - 1; 
        //Search right side 
        else { 
            left = middle + 1; 
    //If no element missing return 0; 